Have you ever asked yourself “what are all the enchants on the Earth SMP”? Well, wonder no more this article is going to teach about all the available enchantments on earth!

Common Armor Enchantments
- Aquatic; Max Level: I Description: Breathe underwater. (Helmet)
- Glowing; Max Level: I Description: Gives permanent night vision. (Helmet)
- Ward; Max Level: IV Description: A chance to absorb enemy damage. (Armor)
- Molten; Max Level: IV Description: Chance of setting your attacker ablaze. (Armor)
- Voodoo; Max Level: VI Description: Gives a chance to deal weakness. (Armor)

Common Sword & Axe Enchantments
- Decapitation; Max Level: III Description: Chance to have opponents head drop on death. (Sword & Axe)
- Forcefield; Max Level: V Description: Chance to push away your opponent. (Sword)
- Featherweight; Max Level: III Description: Chance to get a burst of haste. (Sword & Axe)
- Ravenous; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to regain hunger while fighting. (Sword & Axe)
- Death Punch; Max Level: VIII Description: Increases damage dealt to Zombies. (Sword & Axe)
- Bone Crusher; Max Level III Description: Increases damage dealt to Skeletons. (Sword & Axe)
- Immolate; Max Level: III Description: Increases damage dealt to Spiders. (Sword & Axe)
- Slayer; Max Level: VIII Description: Increases damage dealt to Passive Mobs. (Sword & Axe)
- Interrupt; Max Level: II Description: Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. (Sword)
- Hellsgate; Max Level: I Description: Sets enemies on fire. (Axe)

Common Tool & Weapon Enchantments
- Rebreather; Max Level: II Description: Chance to regain air when mining underwater. (Pickaxe)
- Famine; Max Level: IV Description: A chance to give your opponent the hunger effect. (Weapon)
- Explosive; Max Level: V Description: Chance for arrows to explode. (Bow)
- Frenzy; Max Level: V Description: Chance for arrows to explode. (Crossbow)
- Telepathy; Max Level: IV Description: Automatically adds dropped items by tools to your inventory. (Tools)
- Hunter; Max Level: IV Description: Increases damage dealt to Passive Mobs. (Bow, Crossbow, Trident)
- Snap; Max Level: III Description: Pull the hit entity towards you. (Fishing Rod)
- Soulless; Max Level: IV Description: Increases damage dealt to Hostile Mobs. (Bow, Crossbow, Trident)
- Virus; Max Level: III Description: A chance of giving poison effect. (Bow, Crossbow, Trident)
- Devour; Max Level: III Description: Chance to restore food while killing mobs. (Weapon)

Rare Armor Enchantments
- Reflect; Max Level: VI Description: Absorb enemy damage and reflect it. (Armor)
- Frozen; Max Level: III Description: Can cause slowness to the attacker when defending. (Armor)
- Poisoned; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to give poison to your attacker. (Armor)
- Wither; Max Level: V Description: A chance to give the Wither effect. (Armor)
- Smoke Bomb; Max Level: VIII Description: When you are near death, you will spawn a smoke bomb to distract your enemies. (Helmet)
- Extinguish; Max Level: III Description: Chance to extinguish yourself when on fire. (Leggings)
- Shockwave; Max Level: V Description: Chance to push back your attacker when your health is low. (Chestplate)
- Curse; Max Level: II Description: Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. (Armor)

Rare Sword & Axe Enchantments
- Reaper; Max Level: IV Description: A chance to give your opponent the Wither and Blindness effects while dealing damage. (Axe)
- Blind; Max Level: VI Description: A chance of causing blindness when attacking. (Swords)
- Allure; Max Level: III Description: Your attack pulls mobs towards you. (Swords)
- Poison; Max Level: III Description: A chance of giving poison effect. (Sword & Axe)
- Greatsword; Max Level: VIII Description: Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a Bow at the time they are hit. (Sword)
- Doctor; Max Level: IV Description: Deal increased damage to poisoned players, curing and applying weakness. (Sword)
- Critical; Max level: VI Description: Increase damage done with a critical hit. (Sword)
- Blunt Force; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to strike with great force. (Axe)
- Magnet; Max Level: III Description: Your attack pulls players towards you. (Sword)

Rare Tool & Weapon Enchantments
- Smelting; Max Level: I Description: Smelt mined blocks. (Pickaxe)
- Bait; Max Level: III Description: Chance to receive increased fishing drops. (Fishing Rod)
- Nether Slayer; Max Level: V Description: Increases damage dealt to nether mobs. (Weapons)
- Snare; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to slow and fatigue enemies with projectiles. (Bow & Crossbow)
- Perish; Max Level: V Description: A chance to give the Wither effect. (Bow, Crossbow, Trident)
- Bowmaster; Max Level: V  Description: Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a Sword at the time they are hit. (Bow, Crossbow, Trident)
- Melt; Max Level: III Description: Deal increased damage to enemies on fire. (Sword, Axe, Trident)
- Replenish; Max Level: III Description: Chance to restore food while mining. (Pickaxe)

Epic Armor Enchantments
- Jelly Legs; Max Level: III Description: Chance to negate fall damage. (Boots)
- Springs; Max Level: III Description: Gives Jump boost. (Boots)
- Angelic; Max Level: V Description: Heals health when damaged. (Armor)
- Arrow Deflect; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to prevent an enemy arrow from dealing damage. (Armor)
- Implants; Max Level: III Description: Chance to restore food every few seconds. (Helmet)
- Safeguard; Max Level: II Description: Chance to gain Damage Resistance when defending. (Armor)
- Disappear; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to become invisible when low on health. (Armor)
- Tank; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to decrease damage from enemy axes by 2% per level. (Armor)

Epic Sword & Axe Enchantments
- Cleave; Max level: VII Description: Damages players within a radius that increases with the level of the enchant. (Axe)
- Ambit; Max Level: XI Description: Damages mobs within a radius that increases with the level of the enchant. (Sword, Axe)
- Arrow Break; Max Level: VI Description: Chance for arrows to bounce off you while holding an item with this enchant. (Axe)
- Diminish; Max Level: I Description: Chance to give your enemy mining fatigue. (Axe)
- Ice Aspect; Max Level: III Description: A chance of causing the slowness effect on your enemy. (Sword)
- Confuse; Max Level: IV  Description: Chance to give nausea effect. (Sword)
- Disintegrate; Max Level: VIII Description: Chance to deal extra durability damage to all enemy armor with every attack. (Sword)
- Shatter; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to deal extra durability damage to all enemy armor with every attack. (Axe)
- Netherling; Max Level: III Description: Doubles damage to mobs in the Nether. (Sword)
- Double Strike; Max Level: III Description: A chance to strike twice. (Sword)
- Immolation; Max Level: III Description: Set all mobs in a radius on fire. (Sword)

Epic Tool & Weapon Enchantments
- Hook; Max Level: III Description: Chance to increase luck while fishing. (Fishing Rod)
- Distance; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to distance yourself from your enemies and grain regeneration. (Weapons)
- Archer; Max Level: IV Description: Increases damage dealt with bows. (Bow)
- Marksman; Max Level: IV Description: Increases damage dealt with Crossbows. (Crossbow)
- Hellfire; Max Level: V Description: Arrows turn into fireballs. (Bow)
- Longbow; Max Level: IV Description: Greatly increases damage dealt to enemy players that have a bow in their hands. (Bow)

Legendary Armor Enchantments
- Hardened; Max Level: V Description: Chance to recover durability when damaged by players. (Armor)
- Fumble; Max Level: III Description: Chance to explode an enemy when hit by their arrows. (Chestplate)
- Obsidian Shield; Max Level: I Description: Gives permanent fire resistance. (Armor)
- Heavy; Max Level: V Description: Decreases damage from enemy bows by 2% per level. (Armor)
- Aqua; Max Level: VI Description: Chance to deal double damage while in water. (Boots)
- Divert; Max Level: VI Description: Chance of poisoning opponent and gaining regeneration. (Armor)
- Unholy; Max Level: VI Description: Defend with weakness and wither effects. (Armor)
- Convulse; Max Level: VI Description: Chance to throw your attackers into the air. (Boots)
- Lucid; Max Level: V Description: Chance to cure blindness and gain night vision when hit. (Armor)
- Gears; Max Level: VI Description: Added speed when equipped. (Boots)
- Armored; Max Level: IV Description: Decreases damage from enemy swords by 2% per level. (Armor)

Legendary Sword & Axe Enchantments
- Berserk; Max Level: IV Description: Chance of strength and nausea. (Sword & Axe)
- Beastslayer; Max Level: IV Description: Increases damage dealt to Hostile Mobs. (Sword & Axe)
- Inquisitive; Max Level: VI Description: Chance to increase EXP drops from mobs. (Sword) -MOST POPULAR

Legendary Tool & Weapon Enchantments
- Missile; Max Level: V Description: Arrows turn into fireballs. (Crossbow)
- Thunderlord; Max Level: V Description: Strike monsters with lightning every three consecutive hits. (Weapons)
- Striker; Max Level: III Description: Rain arrows over your opponent, knocking them up into them. (Bow)

Mythic Armor Enchantments
- Overload; Max Level: VI Description: Unlocks additional hearts. (Armor)
- Immortal; Max Level: IV Description: Chance to prevent your armor from taking durability damage. (Armor)

Mythic Sword & Axe Enchantments
- Deranged; Max Level: III Description: Strike lightning at nearby players. (Sword)
- Kill Aura; Max Level: V Description: Chance to kill multiple monsters in a radius. (Sword)
- Lifesteal; Max Level: V Description: A chance to steal health when attacking. (Sword)
- Launch; Max Level: III Description: Launch yourself by right-clicking. (Sword)

Mythic Tool & Weapon Enchantments
- Haste; Max Level: IV Description: Allows you to swing your tools faster. (Tools)
- Rebound; Max Level: III Description: Gain some health back after kills. (Weapon)
- Abiding; Max Level: I Description: Weapons with this enchant become unbreakable. (Weapon)

Mythic Everything Enchants
- Unbreakable; Max Level: I Description: Anything with this enchant becomes unbreakable. (Everything)

That's all of Blocklands Earth SMP's custom enchants! Please keep in mind that this article may be out of date because Blocklands gets updated constantly.

Last updated: 10/05/2023