Wow it's already October, there were a lot of updates on Blocklands during the month of September! Let's summarize what happened!

October Event: Halloween Hunt! Search for Halloween related heads and earn rewards for each one you find. More information and sign-ups in our discord server!

9/02/2023 - A lot happened today!

On September 2nd, the September Crate was released with new items including, the 750k money note, 1M money note & 5M money note! As well as three new September exclusive rewards, the September Staff, September Fishing Rod, and the Ultra Elytra!

Some other updates were:

Vote & Epic Crate - Vote and Epic crate armor will now have custom names, vote crate armor is also slightly more powerful.

Removed September Hoe Item -  The September Hoe was removed from the September crate.

Re-Added Sale - The 20% off sale was re-added to the store!

Flying Vehicles - Increased max speed of ALL flying vehicles by +30%


September Crate Buff - Added four new armor pieces. Improved enchantments on all items.


On September 4th, the winners of the August Hide and Seek were posted read more about the event here.


Trade System - The all-new trading system allows you to trade with players without having to worry about a possible scam! Type /trade to get started!


On September 9th the /points pay command was disabled.


Hub - A brand new hub was added and boy oh boy it is awesome, go ahead and check it out!

Minions - Minions no longer need to be fed! -Thanks everyone for your feedback!


On September 18th Staff Applications were released - please give a warm welcome to our two new staff members, DrClarkk & *FlowerFace9184! - Welcome to the team guys!


Donator Chat - A new donator for our patrons!
/dc - Enable Donator Chat.
/dc <message> - Send a single message in the donator chat.


Leaderboards (Discord) - The leaderboards in the discord server were fixed.

Most Active Discord Members:
- Willing_Warrior (Text)
- Sleame (VC)

That's all the new stuff from September on Blocklands! Thanks, Kick & Derv for providing high quality and very cool updates!

Featured Build: Credit to *PPPCHIO1 for this month's featured build!

❓ Do you want your build featured next? If so message Michael_Master13 to learn more!